Saturday, November 13, 2010

Take a look at what I can do now!

 Where is the video camera when you need it? Anyway, we took photos of this amazing thing Annabelle did last weekend at our last California ABR satellite. She was on the floor crawling around, while I was learning the new exercises for her. She crawled over to the stroller pulled herself up on it, Cristina our trainer went behind the stroller to support it and then she pulled herself up to stand while being supported by the stroller. We, us and another family in the room also training, all watched in amazement at what Annabelle did. We all were dumb struck.


  1. I still cant believe it and I was there! Love Martin

  2. Oh my gosh! This is the best news yet!... she is improving so fast - you are such an inspiration, Miss Annabelle!

  3. Awesome!!!! Pat yourself on the back Mommy!
